Do you need Ubuntu Data recovery? Data Recovery MD is your choice for true data recovery for the United States and Canada! For over 15 years, we’ve delivered excellent data recovery solutions at low rates. Our expertise runs the full scope of technology, including Ubuntu operating systems. Where other services are unable to provide Ubuntu support, or only do such with commercially available software, we provide a viable alternative. Come to our Manhattan offices or ship your storage media from anywhere in the country. We offer free estimates and a no data, no charge policy.
Data Recovery MD can:
- Recover from physically damaged hard drives
- Recover from liquid damaged hard drives
- Recover from corrupted hard drives
- Recover deleted files
- Recover from formatted hard drives
- Recover corrupted files
Our engineers have over 30 years experience providing forensic level data recovery to the highest reaches of the United States. If we can provide recovery options for the FBI and military, we can provide you with Ubuntu data recovery.
We don’t rely on software to recover data like so many other services. We understand that those programs are useless for nonfunctioning, damaged storage media. Our component level expertise is what sets us apart as one of the top data recovery services in North America.
We have an industry standard cleanroom, as well as $100K DSAT machinery. We will read from your physically damaged hard drive platters and retrieve your data. We will mirror your data and place it on the storage media of your choice. This technique is used by law enforcement throughout the country, typically priced for tens of thousands of dollars.
We offer our services at a much more affordable rate because we believe everyone deserves access to level 3 data recovery. If you need Ubuntu data recovery, need to recover deleted Ubuntu files from your operating system, or have any other need for data recovery solutions, contact Data Recovery MD today!